CH 242: Wilted by Obsession

Jackson regarded his wife. 

Her violet eyes fluttered innocently at him. Her lips stretched in a coy smile and dazzled most people that received it. She had always been good at mixing a few lies and a bit of truth. He hadn't mastered spotting the lie but he did excel in noticing whenever she did this. 

"What's really going on?" He attempted.

"I told you!" Avery insisted. "Our son is completely head over heels."

His stern look caused her heart to beat erratically. She'd argue that it was more observant than a telescope or an x-ray machine. If he didn't become a businessman, the madam believed that Jackson would have been a great lawyer. 

But luckily he didn't or the scheme would have failed from day one. 

"And why do you say that?" 

"Because he wants her to move in with him?"