CH 247: Day One: The Beginning

Elias ended the call.

He shut his eyes and craned his neck over the backrest of his seat. After the photoshoot, he hoped that he wouldn't be pulled back in this soon. It was a pain in the neck since it meant more time given to something else other than the preparations for his studio.

He rolled his shoulders before turning back to his laptop and plugging the phone in.

After a few tinkers, his IP address became hidden along with any sensitive information that could lead to his location and his identity. Then, he opened a new email draft and typed a quick message, attaching the phone recording for the recipient to hear. 

It should be out of his hands now unless they asked a favor.

Initiating a new call, he heard it ring twice before it got picked up.


Elias pressed the phone against his ear and clicked on the send button. "Hi, it's Elias Walker."