CH 262: Night Three: The Red Card

"Come on, it's not that bad."

"What doesn't kill you make you stronger!"

"Okay, it literally won't kill you since you're not allergic but you are welcome to puke in the toilet."

Ambryan disgustedly stared at the bowl of red soup. His nose scrunched up as its scent floated up in smoke. The surface somewhat glistened under the indoor light but it didn't make it less unappetizing—much like the smiley face Eve drew with the parsley garnish.

Eve sat on his left, waiting for him to take a bite. "Maybe you'd want to dip that grilled cheese sandwich in the soup instead so there is something else to taste other than tomatoes."

His scowl deepened. "That would be cowardly."

She raised an eyebrow. "We both know you wouldn't eat this soup on its own though. Only the first bite if you're dead-set on it."