CH 280: Passcode to the Heart

"You can't go in here! No one can!"

"And why the hell not, Noah?"

"This is my territory now. I conquered this land so I'm king and I make the rules."

"Sounds stupid."

"That's just because you're not smart enough."

"Guys, don't fight."

A 5-year old Eve hunched her shoulders. Her scarlet hair brushed the top of her shoulders. She usually kept it shorter than that but because of ballet lessons, Madame Isabelle told her to let it grow so that it could be styled and/or tied into a neat bun.

Andie huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. She angled her body towards Eve and glared at Noah through the corner of her eyes. "Madame Isabelle said we could play here while our parents are out. But it seems like someone wants to break the rules."