CH 302: The Consequences of Chivalry

Unfazed by their behavior, Kyle managed to maintain his friendly smile. He turned the tray around and directed the last glass in front of Eve. "I mean, there's still one more left in case you want to loosen up a bit. I'll gladly give it to you."

Cale shot put his arm and blocked Eve from taking the drink. "Many thanks for the drinks, Mr. Kyle, but there's still modelling sessions tomorrow. Eve needs to abstain from any alcohol until the weekend."

"Oh, come on," Kyle fussed, raising the drink in her direction. "It's only a little—"

"Fruit punch!" Tiffany exclaimed. She seized the glass and drained half of the beverage. Her foot stumbled back a step. "Oh, wow. I probably shouldn't have done that. But this is really good."

Kyle dropped the tray to his side, resting it against his hip. The smile on his face stayed up but it no longer reached his eyes. He didn't seem to be aware of it but the rest did.