SS2 10: For the Love of a Sister

"The recent hostage incident at The Magical Symphony left many in fear and affected the expansion plans of the school. To support the institution, the Hathaway Family has offered to help increase its security on top of their yearly donation. The Hathaway Family has many ties with the school, including Ambryan's significant partner, Evangeline Reed—"

The LED screen blacked out.

"Stop watching the news," Ambryan said, standing behind the living room couch. He tossed the remote back on the cushion. "It's bad for your health right now."

Eve took a deep breath. She wore matching pink cotton pajamas and put her feet up on the coffee table. Kiri laid on her lap. She brushed the feline's soft white fur. "I didn't know the news could be part of a doctor's diagnosis."

"It can be if it doesn't bring any good to a person's mental state."

"Since when does the news bring any good then?"