OS 07: A Sitting of Babies (Jackson & Avery)

"Would you like sugar in your tea, grandma?" A 3-year-old Chloe poured imaginary tea into a purple cup. She was kneeling on the floor, hovering over a round table filled with toys of fake food and a plastic tea set. The three chairs that came with the table had stuffed animals while Avery Hathaway sat on the floor across from her.

Avery accepted the cup. "Yes, please."

Chloe reached for the bowl of sugar cubes, tiny tongs ready in her hand, "How many?"

"Two, please," Avery squeaked. She stopped breathing to suppress her giggles. Her granddaughter had to be the most adorable thing in the world—even more adorable than when Ambryan was a baby. 

She sipped from her cup and sighed deeply. "You have to tell me where you got this tea, Chloe. It's simply divine."

"It's Yorkshire tea. Dad says it's the best."