Chapter 1 : Hello, new world!

The supreme magician Kadin in his first life annihilated the demonic army alone

In his second life he destroyed half a continent fighting humans

In the third reincarnation he became the demon king and dominated the world

Now he finds himself in a familiar, completely white room, until a door opens out of nowhere and a man who looked 30 years old steps out and starts talking:

? - "Hello again Kadin".

Kadin- "Hello again Kodri".

Kodri- "You should know that the maximum number of times I can reincarnate someone with memory is three times, right?"

Kadin- "I know" said Kadin with a sad face

Kodri- "But there are those who can."

Kadin- "Would he accept to do that for me?"

Kodri- "That's why I'm here, he sent for you."

Kadin- "Okay, I'm going". Kadin was surprised and thought 'Why is he calling me?'

Following Kodri, Kadin reached a throne and bowed to the throne figure

? - "Kadin, has your contract with Kodri already broken?"

Kadin- "Yes, it's been three times already."

Contracts are agreements with gods, the gods give chances to reincarnate but the mana obtained during life is given to the god

? - "Do you want to have another chance?"

Kadin- "I would do anything for another chance".

? - "Kill these beings, they are causing trouble everywhere". Said the man holding 3 photos, each had a middle-aged man.

Kadin- "I'm sorry for the question but, why don't you send your men?"

? - "I'm afraid they won't make it, you have 1000 years to train before you go".

Kadin felt a little scared before he left, but he ended up going.

(1000 years have passed and Kadin only trained in the white space)

After that the man said to Kadin

? - "After you kill them all, you will be transported to another universe".

Kadin - "Another universe?"

? - "Yes, this universe will soon no longer collect, I estimate that in 500,000,000 years everything will be dust".

Kadin- "Can you tell me about the rules that govern this world?"

? - "it will be better if you find out for yourself, but I will send you some help when you complete the mission, now go".

So, Kadin went on a long journey of dozens of years, until when he cuts off the head of the last man, he sees nothing, and his vision gradually returns, looking at his hands he realizes that he is a baby

He seems to be a year old, looks to the side and sees very strange things for example a magic box with small people inside, or that is what he thinks it is.

When Kadin tries to concentrate and feel his mana, he feels nothing, but before he can even think about anything, he hears a woman's voice saying:

[Host, welcome to your new world, I am the system given as a gift to guide you in this world.]