~°~Chapter Fifty-two~°~

"Definitely." Shana nods importantly. "I locked the door on my way in."

I peek once more at the silk pants that were definitely high-waisted, a lacy white dress shirt that shouldn't be found in the male outfits part of the store, and a corset.

"What is that doing there?" I point at the corset, making a face.

"It's the perfect thing to complete your look." She says excitedly, gathering the clothes to place in my arms. "Go wear this first and when you come out, Renee and I will help you put the corset on."

I eye my mom who's sharing equal amounts of excitement with Shana. "I'm not wearing a corset." I deadpan. "It's bad enough that you ordered clothes for a twelve-year-old girl for me but if you think I'm getting into that stuff of nightmares, you're greatly mistaken." I say calmly, knowing that if I didn't sound reasonable enough they wouldn't take me seriously.