~°~Chapter Eighty-five~°~

Shana is accurate about the party, no one seems to genuinely like each other and I could see envy flashing in the eyes of the people that sucked up to Yanis.

"Mon cherie?" Mrs Nolan hurries up to us. "You do not mind if I am to borrow Yanis for a while, there's someone he has to meet."

Yanis narrows his eyes at her. "It better not be Lord Lumiere, I don't want his bloody castle."

"Yanis." His mom tries to cajole him. "We're distant family, we should try to help when they're in need, now come along." 

Yanis pulls me into a hug, still grumbling in unhappiness.

"A castle can't be half bad" I pat his back.

"Yeah, until you're expected to live in it two weeks out of a year." He complains, striding after his mom. "I'll be right back."