~°~Chapter One-hundred & Seventeen~°~

I wake up early today which is a little surprising considering I stayed up late reading, it's been two days since the heat incident with Dale and after he left later that day I haven't seen him since.

Although he looked just fine when he left if a little pale and uncomfortable so I'm still worried, even worse is that I haven't seen Shana or Virgil either.

Sure, we all still text but it's really weird to not see them for so long, I could understand that they were probably busy with Werewolf business.

The rogue Werewolves seem to be getting worse because I see people patrolling close to the woods when it gets quite late plus the howling gets louder each night like the wild wolves are moving closer.

I was itching to get more information about what was going on, and Mae would be the perfect solution.

She always seemed to know what was going on, well she is a Werewolf too, right?