I almost gasped at the sight.
There standing was a god of all animals. He was beautiful.
I see why now the girl had all flocked over to him, all over him.
His frame stood tall, sweeping into his strong hips and long legs.
He was wearing the school uniform, though he had the sleek coat in the color of his pants, the same blue tye, and a sharp white shirt.
His muscles seemed to radiate from his clothes.
So I looked at his face, it was clean, blonde hair partly slicked back with a partial poof to it.
His eyes stared into mine, the only sound we heard was Maddie crying.
The tension in the air seemed to travel to all of us before he broke the silence.
"If you would follow me to my office, as I'm the council president, I would like to talk to you about the rules you need to know and the rules you 'broke'.", I winced at the way he pulled out the last few words.
I looked back at Maddie to see if Maddie was okay, but it seemed she had gone to the nurse.
I followed the male, head down as they stared at me.
What seemed like 2 min we came upon a small office.
Stacks of paper were scattered around the desk and floor. Along with large file cabinets, some opened to show rows of folders.
" Sorry for the mess, I'm not used to visitors.", he spoke up, as if he read my mind.
He went behind his desk, crossing his legs and sat in his chair. To then check his computer.
"It says here your name is. . . Isadora Rose. Nice name. Species, albino panther. . . . ", he continued to ramble on about my profile.
I raised my hand unsurely, about to interrupt when he saw my hand.
" Oh, my bad, let me start."
"My name's Jack Ferton.
President of the school student council here, and with species of Hawk", he said formally, looking through paperwork.
" And, about those rules."
"We'll let you off this time, but it is strictly forbidden to shift for personal combat reasons. It is alright to settle arguments in human form, but not in animal form.", he said annoyed, putting on reading glasses.
I stood up quickly and bowed, " I'm so sorry Mr. Ferton, my panther managed to get control and she only wanted to protect my friend Maddie with good intentions."
"Oh please, call me Jack, and I'm only your senior, not some old man.", he said with a chuckle.
His eyes were visible now, they were a sky blue, with little hints of grey.
" W-Wait... why is James not get-", but before I could finish my sentence he spoke up.
" Now run along, and don't get into trouble.", he said softly, watching me as I hurried out, his eyes followed me with amusement.