The Mad scientist’s daughter.

Never in my life I have passed out twice let alone once. Everything in my life shifted so fast that I didn't get a chance to cope with these changes, The image of my father was shattered in a matter of minutes.

I mean what would be your reaction when you find out that your parents sold you off? well, I am sure my parents were in a dire situation and needed this money, I wonder how much money I was worth for them to sell me off like that?

I regained my conscious slowly my body felt lighter this time and I could move around easier, I had rope marks on my wrist where I was tied up before.

I was laying on a carpet that almost felt as comfortable as a bed it must have been an expensive carpet, anyways when I woke up there was a lollipop in my hand, I sat up to look around me.

Everything around me was girly and pinkish it gave out the idea of being that little girl's room right away, And I was right; on the bed, in front of me I saw the back of a little girl singing and playing with toys, Her hair was silky yellow and well-brushed.

I got up slowly from the ground and walked towards her and grabbed her shoulder, she turned around to look at me then I saw that horrifying sight I would never forget about.

She had a huge eyeball in her left eye which was totally larger than her right one and it had a red iris color while her left iris was blue, That huge eyeball was darting everywhere.

I pulled back in fright then her right eyes started to get teary and she cried.

I was panicking, I wanted to stop her so I gave her the lollipop I was holding earlier and said:

"Sorry little girl don't cry, I was wrong"

She stopped crying but I was too late I heard loud steps approaching the room.