Reincarnation?! Part 2

While walking down that corridor I was looking around like a child looking at bright lights in his first visit to the amusement park, I was looking at the expensive furniture and carpets everywhere I felt smaller and smaller as I was walking behind that man that had kidnapped me.

As I was deep in thoughts, the man suddenly stopped and I pumped into his back he looked down at me then he turned to open the door into his room and went inside so I followed him in.

Inside the room was like a prison cell unlike outside there was a simple bed and a metal table with two chairs and even his windows had metal bars there is nothing at, it didn't feel like a normal person's room.

He sat down on the chair and pointed his fingers down on the opposite chair for me to sit down as well when I sat down he said angrily while clinching his both firsts on the table,

"Don't...just don't interrupt me ever again"

It seemed like he seriously hated being interrupted so I noded at him.

Then he continued,

"As you heard before the project subject is reincarnation-"

"As you may know, Reincarnation was touched in many religions since the beginning of humanity but science couldn't explain it since science only describes materialistic things and can't possibly interpret things like souls and whatsoever." he continued.

"But about 500 years ago a group of scientists decided to study reincarnation and those scientists are my ancestors."

"Well they weren't called scientists back then they were more known as philosophers."