Chapter 21

•City of Mountains•

•Kaniva - The Capital of the City of Mountains•

•Ravier House•

"My Lady." A soft voice called, with softer sounds of a gentle tinkling. "My Lady, the sun is up and we must get you ready in time for Duke Falcon's appearance." The soft voice continued patiently, even though the person they were trying to wake didn't stir one bit.

Reta groaned internally, she hated days like this, all she wanted was some quality sleep but no! Annoying Ministers had to keep on visiting her father and she was required to serve wine as the only daughter of her parents, sometimes she wished she had sisters.

"My Lady." The soft voice repeated again, it came from a genteel looking maidservant who knelt on the decorative mat beside Reta's bed, her small hands resting on her thighs.

Another maidservant knelt beside her, holding a 'Morning Bell' an evil contraption that was supposed to gently ease well-bred ladies from their restful slumber into a serene wakefulness.

It sounded like fancy bullshit to Reta because nothing was more annoying than the 'Morning Bell', scratching and piercing sounds didn't even come close.

"My Lady, the sun is up and we must get you ready in time for Duke Falcon's appearance." The maidservant repeated again, like clockwork.

Reta groaned out loud this time, she wondered how she survived mornings like this. If she didn't get up, the maidservants would continue their routine until she did, it was torture.

"Ugh!" She complained, sitting up on her wide bed, the fluffy, pastel purple comforter falling off her upper body. "I'm up! I'm up! Just stop ringing that infernal bell Taluka or I'll shove it down Aleya's throat." She threatened savagely, pushing a hand through her blood red hair.

"Swearing doesn't become you my Lady." Aleya said gently in her soft voice.

Reta just placed both hands at her temples and sent the smug looking maidservant a choice glare. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you rather enjoy this. You may rise." She added absently, the maidservants couldn't get up until she gave them permission to.

Aleya got up and gingerly patted down her black uniform. "How else am I supposed to get back at my Lady for making me sit in front of her bed and watch her sleep for hours, while trying to rouse her with nothing but a soft voice and a mouse-bell."

Reta burst out laughing at her maidservants words, the both of them were her ladies-in-waiting and ordinarily if they talked to any High Class Elf like that, they would be sent to jail at most or sent to the mines at worst, no one would bat an eyelid if they were even killed, depending on the gravity of the situation.

Not just any random High Class Elf but a Faction member, other High Class Elves would not have the authority to demand such grave punishments for simply talking back so everyone wanted to be associated with Faction members.

"Well are you just going to stand there and watch my youth and beauty wither away, I could have utilized these precious wasted minutes in a little bit more sleep."

"Heavens forfend!" Aleya exclaimed, Taluka was mute but her dark eyes sparkled as she listened intently to the exchange between her Lady and her fellow maidservant.

The two ladies-in-waiting were Middle Class Elves as most servants in the Faction members houses were, it cost a great deal to hire a houseful of Middle Class Elves performing menial chore so it was rightfully expected.

Their skin were a much lighter blue, compared to those of the Lower Class. The High Class Elves were a different breed all by themselves, with a golden hue in their skin in place of blue, the lighter the hue, the more powerful the House is.

So it simply meant one thing, where you were born into, was where you would belong for the entirety of your existence, so as much as it hurt Reta to admit, Taluka and Aleya were born to be servants or some job that would earn quite little such as owning a flower shop or being hired by the Kingdom to be teachers or nurses.

It was even worse at the lowest level, the Lower Class Elves. They were huge and rough looking, deep blue hue in their skins, their only options were to become miners, factory workers or guards.

"If it would not offend, my Lady." Aleya began in her feather soft voice, servants had to recite that before they could make a request or even ask a question. "I would inquire that the Lady Reta permit her lowly maidservants to wash her." The dark haired Elf said somberly, her blue skin was so light that it looked pasty.

Reta just gave Aleya a look and Taluka burst into silent laughter, it was truly soundless, nothing but her frail shoulders shaking and open mouth to show that she was laughing.

"You sound like an idiot." Reta said bluntly, unamused.

"If it would not offend, my Lady." Aleya repeated again, her dark brown eyes twinkling in amusement. "I would beg of your pardon but if I indeed sound idiotic, then aren't the Lords and Ladies who came up with these rules even bigger idiots?"

Reta's unamused expression did not change. "If it would not offend, my maidservant. I urge you to get started on what you woke me up for or I swear by father's lucky cheese, I'll feed you to Chaos." She threatened seriously, standing on her bed now from the intensity.

Aleya just froze and scrunched up her face. "You want to feed me to your pet hamster?"

Taluka burst out laughing again and so began another day in the Ravier House, it was a day just like any other for Reta.

Get woken in an annoying manner, grumble about it and end up jesting with your maidservants that would most likely get the poor servants in trouble if they were overheard but Reta was a lively girl so a lot of things that she did were overlooked, this didn't make her spoilt, on the contrary.

The loving freedom shaped her into a Lady of reason, she was dressed briskly and changed into a flowing gauzy black gown.

Reta thought it dark and dismal that the only colors she was allowed to wear out was black due to the Faction that her family belonged to, she complained about this at every chance she got but she knew it was futile, that didn't mean she had to give up though.

She bumped into her older brother on her way to the dining halls, they met in one of the wide corridors that seemed to lead everywhere.

"Gloomy as ever, I see, brother mine." She bowed slightly with a mischievous smile on her pretty face, black eyes glowing.

Rin just shook his head at his youngest sister's antics, his long hair was in a high ponytail atop his head, the crest of the Ravier House was used to hold his thick black hair in place. "Maybe I'll stop being gloomy if you remember my name." He said to her, walking forward to pat her head.

Reta just stuck out her tongue at him, trust her brother to always look perfectly ravishing in the black robes that represented the Faction that they belonged to, while she looked like a pig covered in soot.

"Where's Rem?" She asked her older brother, Rem was his twin brother and more like her, willful and random.

While Rin was the stoic one, the firm peg rooted in place, while Reta and Rem kept trying to find their places. It wasn't easy to, like trying to fit square pegs in round holes. That's what Reta and Rem were, square pegs.

"Hopefully not sculpting lewd things in the gardens again." Rin said with little hints of disgust and heavy doses of horror.

"Most likely." Reta laughed at her older brother's pinched expression, the entourage of servants behind herself and her brother just watched with silent expectation as the siblings in front of them exchanged an easy conversation. "But I doubt that Rem would get out of bed at the break of dawn just to roll around in mud." She dismissed with a wave of her hand.

Rin just gave her a look. "Dawn was hours ago Reta."

"Oh! Here you are!" The butler interrupted their conversation, looking very flustered. "The Lady of the House has requested your presence in the dining halls, she said and I quote 'get my children here Hart or we'll have you for dinner' unquote so you see My Lord and Lady, I'm in quite a dilemma here."

Hart was the butler of the house and also a High Class Elf so he was excused from all the other rules that applied to the other Classes.

"There just one tiny issue Hart." Reta said to him, Rin had already started towards the dining halls as soon as the last of the message had left Hart's lips.

Reta wasn't surprised, Rin would rather tear off his own arm than upset their mom in the slightest.

"Rem is still fast asleep, you might need to get the squadron out." She chuckled, just like her Rem was a deep sleeper, traits they both got from their father.

"Which would you recommend my Lady?" The sleekly dressed butler bowed formally. "Soaked pillows or pans?"

The soaked pillows were for throwing at the sleeping Lord, the pans were for making a ruckus and no one was against throwing them as well.

"I'd advise both Hart." She said seriously, sighing loudly to cover up the snort that left Aleya or she would be spending the rest of the day in the dungeons.

Thankfully, no one heard the sound that Aleya had unconsciously made so Reta continued. "Because your life's on the line, my dear butler." She turned around with her entourage and started towards the dining halls. "I also advise that you throw in some flavoured rocks as well, you can't possibly take any chances."