Chapter 29

Eden stepped out. "Eden Mariach, Forest Fairy, um, there's two of us too." She added hesitantly.

"Might as well do you both at once, your powers are interconnected too no?"

"Yes sir." Poppy replied respectfully, stepping forward as well.

"Okay, talk to me." She invited.

Eden nodded to Poppy to begin. 

"I can grow plants and control them to some extent, here let me show you." Poppy said in her usual, sweet helpful way.

She held out a sunflower seed in the palms of her hand and gently placed it on the ground in front of her. She stepped back a bit and slightly raised her right hand.

The seed made a slight creaking sound and in a split second it sprouted, a part burying itself in the ground and the other growing up high.

She moved the branches around and made a petal stretch forward to pat Daisy's head. "I can make them move or do anything I need and I can make plants shrink as well."

"How big can you make them?" Cherry asks with interest.

"I don't think there's a limit." Poppy shrugged nervously.

"How complex can your instructions to them get?"

"Erm, it's more like they're extensions of my body but it gets really hard to do complex things like handle a weapon."

"I think that's all we'll need to work on, yes, Eden?"

"I can manipulate plants and control them as well." Eden stepped forward.

"Show me."

Eden moved forward and touched a huge yellow petal, it immediately solidified to the point of crystallization and she made a throwing motion with her hand. The petal flew through the air at high speed and embedded itself in a wooden pillar at the far end of the training ground.

"Impressive, how many can you create and throw at the same time?"

"I'm still working on two, it requires concentration to change the form of the plants."

Cherry hummed at this, "Do you have more plant seeds with you?" She asked Poppy.

"Yes, I do." Poppy replied hesitantly.

"Good." The Trainer said, looking at Eden now. "Eden, throw a petal spear at Poppy."

Eden flinched, looking mortified. "Now?"

"Yes." Cherry said calmly. "Right now."

Eden gulped, reaching forward slowly to touch another petal. She had never directed her powers at Poppy so it took her some time to wrap her head around the thought of doing just that.

Poppy watched the golden yellow petal crystalize under her best friend's fingertips and she didn't hesitate to bring out another seed.

Plants with vines were always better because they had more mobile parts and were easier to control.

Eden wanted to warn Poppy before sending the petal spear flying but she didn't want it to come off like she underestimated Poppy so she sent it forwards without warning.

Poppy already had her eyes on the moving spear, she sent the strong and waving vines forward to try and catch the yellow projectile in mid-air.

She underestimated the force of the petal spear though because it tore through the vines that wrapped around it and kept coming.

Just when Eden was about to revert the crystallization of the petal, Poppy swung an arm and a thick vine rose from the side to slam the petal to the ground where it shattered.

Cherry just hummed at this. "You both have lots of potentials and will be an asset when you go on missions because you're the perfect attack and defense all in one." She commented. "I will need to think about it and observe your abilities more before I can recommend anything but at the moment you're good to go, you just need to enhance your abilities."

Eden and Poppy heaved a smile of relief at this, faint smiles on their faces as they made their way back.

Aster stepped out before Cherry could even call for him and the look of surprised horror on the Trainer's face was almost comical.

"Maloy." She said darkly, flying up from her perch on the rock to assume a fighting position. "It's a pleasure to see you again." 

"Dimal," Aster said in a toneless voice, walking forward lazily. "I'd rather not have to see you again."

"You two know each other?" Poppy inquired in shock.

"We're acquaintances of sorts." Cherry murmured absently, making an even more elaborate armor out of stone.

"Acquaintances indeed." Eden muttered under her breath, noting how tense their Trainer was like she knew Aster was dangerous.

The Water Hero truly was, his cold detachment from everything didn't make things better.

Aster walked past Cherry to settle on the rock she had just left. "You're supposed to assess my abilities no?" He drawled nonchalantly, looking thoroughly relaxed while Cherry couldn't get tender, she looked like she was about to snap.

"Aster Maloy, Water Fairy, can create, manipulate, and control water." She said immediately, sharp eyes fixed on the lounging Fairy.

"No suggestions?" He asked without interest.

Cherry stared closely at him and pursed her lips, still in a defense position. "Yes, you need to learn to crystalize wat…"

She didn't get all her words out before Aster was shooting to his feet and drawing an elaborate sword out of thin air. "This?"

Cherry flinched violently like he threatened her with the crystal sword. "H-How…" she spluttered.

"This is fun to watch." Orchid commented dryly, obviously enjoying the cocky Trainer put down by Aster.

"That was years ago, Dimal." Aster said, driving the sword through the rock he just got up from. "I just simply created water and then crystallized it." He shrugs. "If that'll be all," He yawned, long blonde hair waving behind him. "Can I return? I need a nap."

Orchid snickered at this and Eden shook her head, the Fairy had literally just woken up.

"Yes," Cherry replied in a subdued voice, her armor falling off her body. "Training session is dismissed." She announced, scurrying away quickly.

As they made their way back to their quarters, Eden couldn't help but wonder where they could have met, it wasn't everyday one ran into a Stone Fairy.