Chapter 58

unedited... Please do not read yet.

It does not stop at him though, Rem was soon hurrying in, looking distraught, his clothes in a similar fashion as his twins, stately black robes ripped, his red hair wild, blood on his face.

"Rem!" He exclaimed again, Graydon jolting to his feet as well at this, mimicking Lucien.

"Rin! You promised to not start a brawl." He hurried after his twin, Reta and her maidservants coming in, she looked in a similar fashion as her brothers.

Rin's face remained impassive, a firm grip around his jeweled dagger. "Until I ascertain that they are not responsible…"

"I told you they aren't." Rem grabbed his twin's hand with a firm hold, stopping his steady charge over to Lucien who was looking quite pale.

"W-what is going, Rem?" Lucien asked shakily, worried eyes darting at Rin who looked like he might like to gut him and was barely held back by his brother.