2 isn't enough

"let's get to know more of each other darling ok?" send~

"it feels so good to call him darling>_<"

"yes I want to know more about you too" received~

"what should we talk now, it's so awkward I've talked to Soma when I was in relationship but that thing was different"

"what is your current routine and what'll it be after summer vacation" received~


"he's so lame"

"what's your hobby" received~

"hmmm wha-?"

"what's your favorite food* received~

"hey what the f---"

"what's your favorite colour" received~

"dude sto-"

"what's your wish? received~

"time-out" send~

"letme answer one question don't drop bombshells like that on me" send~

"I'm sry Mira" received~

"he still calls me by name, this dude has zero flirting skill. I fell in love with someone who's literally like a kid, well it's ok since I can treat him like a real baby tehe♡"

"are you angry that you're not replying me back?" received~

".·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·." received

"hey I'm not angry darling" send~

" I was just lost in my naughty fantasy with you I'm sry tehe♡" send~

"naughty fantasy?! whaaa----?! what should I reply to it. Does she mean THAT?!!!

no no no no can't be it's just been a day since we've been in relationship she can't mean that

If I write something related to THAT. she'll think of me as a pervert.

I see she's talking about holding hands"

"I see I'm sorry to disturb in your fantasy" send~

"what the hell?!! my baby seriously pisses me off he's dense as hell,

Isn't a guy supposed to be reply with something even naughtier??!

I guess there's no helping it"

"btw Mira tell me the answer to the question if you're free to do so" send~

"now comes my chance I'm gonna make him blush now"

"my hobby is trying to sing like you" send~

"my favorite food is Arima's lips which I have to taste" send~

"my favorite colour is the colour of your hair" send~

"I see" received~

"this dude got my nerves"

calm down Mira"

"whaa??? she tries to copy my singing, she wants to taste my lips she's too fast!!!

her favorite colour is similar as my hair?

my heart is beating so fast she really needs to stop doing this

I love how free she is but this is too much for my heart to take"

"okay so I'll just say something which even makes me embarrassed this time I'll get him"

"my wish is to be forever with you, get married and have 2 kids" send~

"how was that darling take tha---"

"thank you" received

"just a thank yo--"

"my wish is also the same Mira,but I want more kids 2 won't be enough" received~


"he made me embarrassed"

"he's smarter than me in these things"

(Arima actually wants more kid he doesn't mean anything more than that)

"will you grant my one selfish wish?" received~

"don't tell me he's asking for my nudes

dude calm your d---"

"I want to hear your voice as soon as possible

is it possible that you can call me tomorrow?!

it's ok if you can't since your family is a strict" received~

"ahh I want to hear his voice too how he normally speaks"

"yes I'll try I've another keypad phone for calling and stuff" send~

"gimme your number so I can call you tomorrow" send~



"here's my number *91********" send~

"ok I'll try to call you tomorrow" recieved~


"come for dinner"

"coming 5 minutes"

"okay I'll see you tomorrow

my brother called me for dinner" send~

"good night take care♡"


"wait a little bit I want to talk with you more" send~

*5 minutes later*

"I guess he's offline"

"I'll unsend this message"


"good night and take care my darling ♡" send~

"I guess I'll talk to some friends and go to sleep"

"hi Kaahara" send~

"sup Mira~" received

*meanwhile Arima on his bed*

"stupid brother always telling me to sleep early I wanted to talk more with her.

but after all brother is taking my health into account"

"good night"

*next day after Arima's tuition*

"Ahan help me dude"

"woah? what Happened dude? someone bullying you? I'mma kick his ass just tell m--"

"no no not that stop assuming"

"okay tell me"

"how do you talk with a girl on phone"


"my girlfriend is gonna call me! I've never talked to any girl in a phonecall. what should I do?"

"just ask what's the size of her chest and more perverted stuff like that"

"oh I see. just that"


"as if I can ask that to a girl you FAT EROTIC BASTARD"

"you're one to talk you PEEKING BASTARD

and I'm not fat I'm fit"

"that was my past now I don't peek"


listen here as she's your girlfriend and you're in long distance you can talk about many stuff

just keep her busy in your old stories or something

tell her about you she'll be happy to know about you"

"that makes sense"

"best of luck Arima

see ya later tomorrow"


is she gonna call??!!


"she's gonna call now right?!"


"why isn't she calling"



"I guess it's her"


to be continued