Universe 7

Universe 7

The Universe 7 is also known as 'Our Universe' due to the fact that most of the things that happened within the Dragon Ball multiverse has been occurred there. In Romaji, Universe 7 is known as 'Dai nana Uchū'. Each universes within the Dragon Ball Multiverse are ruled by primarily three people. They are:-

1. God of Destruction:- Deities who are responsible to destroy planets, races, or threats that put the development of their respective universes at risk.

2.Supreme Kai:- Who have the ultimate duty to protect the universe of their position.

3.Angel:- Are beings of extremely high status within the hierarchy of the multiverse. Their role is to guide and teach to master the God of Destructions destructive capabilities as well as also serving them as their personal attendants.

The universe that contains the and, therefore, is the universe in which the entire series occurs. It is the twin universe of the 6th universe. The universe is depicted as spherical and split into two sections: the mortal plane is located in the lower half, and contains the planets and galaxies of the known universe; the upper half consists of the Afterworld; and the two halves are separated by Hell. At the top of the sphere is the Kaio Realm, where the various Kaio rule. Finally, at the very bottom of the spherical universe, in its tip, existed the Demon Realm. According to Shin, within the 7th Universe, there are twenty-eight planets with sentient life on them — there were initially more, but the destruction of Sadal, Vegeta and Namek along with the Moginanian planet, among other planets, reduced in numbers. Additionally, a dimension exists outside of the main universe which contains the Kaioshins homeworld, which is the Kaioshin Realm. The mortal plane is divided into the cardinal quadrants which are the North, South, East and the West galaxies that stretch along infinitely across the universe. According to Jaco, the Universe is large enough to contain an insane amount of galaxies like the Milky Way galaxy. Beings who die in the mortal plane are then sent to the Afterworld (あのよ, Anoyo) where they are judged according to their actions in life.

Mortal Level:- The average rankings of combat strength of the mortals in the Seventh Universe — it places 3.18, the second lowest from the bottom.

Regarding the amount of spoken languages that exist in a universe could be innumerable, however within the 7th Universe there is an official universal language that all of its inhabitants speak. The only language known aside of the universal language, is the one used by the Namekians. There are over seven thousand languages confirmed to be spoken within the 7th universe.

Some of the notable locations in the 7th Universe are:-

- Afterworld.

- Beerus Galaxy.

- Demon Realm.

- Hell.

- Kaio Realm.

- Kaioshin Realm.

- Milky Way.

At Kame House

It seems that the portal led the Powerpuff Girls to the Kame House. It was the midnight by the time the girls got over there. They were at the front of the Kame House and were upset about how they got lost into another existence. They then starts to argue and blames each other for getting teleported to where they are now.

Blossom:- Ugh! It was such a terrible idea for us to surround Him together and attack. If it was not for Buttercups, we would not be here by now.

Buttercup:- Hey don't look at me! The dodge and attack method worked before and either ways, Him was wasting our time doing nothing but stayed still. We can't just let it go like that Blossom!

Blossom:- That's the point. Him wanted us to get exhausted so that he could get rid of us but I don't exactly understand the reason why we got teleported in front of this house though.

Bubbles:- Umm Blossom, I don't think that the dark sphere energy ball was the only reason that we landed here.

Blossom:- Huh? What do you mean? What are you trying to say exactly?

Bubbles:- You see, when Him could even use that against us, there was a beam of a fluid that struck on the dark energy ball and created a portal which lead us to here. But I believe that Him was going to use that dark energy ball for another malicious reasons.

Blossom:- Ahh, I get your point. Anyways, its cold and dark now, where ever we are right now. Hey look! There's a house in front of us. Let us ask anyone who lives there to give us a shelter for the night.

So, The Powerpuff Girls came in front of the door and knocked on it and still there was no response at all. They kept on doing that till that noticed Master Roshi, who was sleeping woke up because of those loud knocks made on the door by the Powerpuff Girls. He went to the door to open and see who was knocking on it. The Powerpuff Girls explained about their situation briefly and Master Roshi welcomed them to his house for the night. He said that tommorow morning, both the Powerpuff Girls and Master Roshi would go to Bulma's place to talk about that issue and find out what could be done for the girls to send them back to their respective homes where they came from.

Capsule Corporation

The Powerpuff Girls and Master Roshi flew to the Capsule Corporation where Bulma lived. They called to Bulma and she came out and was surprised to see the Powerpuff Girls and asked Master Roshi who they were, and he told her about the details of what happened in the universe where the girls came from. She then summoned Goku to the place and told him everything that happened about the girls and that to ask beerus or some higher entity for what they can do to send these girls back to where they came from.

Goku kinda did understand the situation and felt serious. Then, he teleported to Beerus's place and told him about it. Beerus told him that there wasn't anything that anyone could possibly do for the Powerpuff Girls since those girls hail from another existence. Whis, who was the attendant of beerus stood there nearby and told that if anything that could be done would be through the omni king aka Zeno Sama.

Goku had the button which was given by zeno sama to teleport zeno sama to goku or that goku to be teleported to zeno sama. Since this wasn't really much of a big issue compared with the great fight against zamasu and Goku Black. So, Whis, Shin, The Powerpuff Girls and Goku teleported themselves to the Zeno's Palace and they were welcomed by the Grand Priest himself. Goku told everything about to the grand priest and he brought them in front of zeno-sama.

Zeno-Sama told them that although Zeno-Sama is the omni king and the most powerful being in the existence of the Dragon Ball Multiverse, he didn't have the power to do anything. If anyone who can do so, would be none other than Super Shenron.

Zeno-Sama then made an offical order to find the seven dragon balls that are scattered across both the 6th and the 7th universe.

Finding The Seven Super Dragon Balls

The team to find the seven super dragon balls includes Goku, The Powerpuff Girls, Shin, Whis and last but not least the Grand Priest too.

At first, they went to the Zuno's Place. Zuno is a mysterious character who knows virtually everything to have ever happened in the Multiverse. When they have arrived to his place, they got to meet Zuno immediately because of the Grand Priest's presence and the order that was made by zeno sama.

So, The Grand Priests asks "where are each of the super dragon balls and their locations?". Then, Zuno revealed about their locations with his Omniscience powers.

Three of the Balls are in the 6th universe and four of them are in the 7th universe.

At Universe 6, Champa was busy eating different types of food from different parts of his universe when suddenly the Grand Priest called to Vados, Champa's attendant and told her to tell him about the locations of the three super dragon balls in his universe and to give them immediately since it was an order from Zeno Sama himself. Vados told Champa about it and he ordered Hit to gather then three super dragon balls and soon enough, Hit did so. Now Champa have handed the three super dragon balls over to the Grand Priest.

At Universe 7, Shin used his instantaneous teleportation technique to teleport to the locations of the four super dragon balls in the seventh universe along with Whis to carry them. After gathering the seven super dragon balls, they brought it in front of Zeno Sama's place.

Zeno Sama came out of his palace and summoned the Super Shenron. Super Shenron was summoned and asked for Zeno-Sama's wish. He said to take these girls back to the rightful existence that they came from and to restore order and bring peace to there.

So, Super Shenron granted his wish and right after that moment, the Powerpuff Girls disappeared.