Online game

"Can you introduce your friend, Chao?" an icy cold voice said, making Yitian tremble. But Chao placed his hand on Yitian's shoulder, calming him down. Then took him closer to his brother.

"Lei ge, this is Wang Yitian. Yitian, this is my older brother Jin Lei," Chao said gesturing towards them, they made both polite bowings and seized each other. Jin Lei knew about this poor child but he still needed to talk to his brother about this. What if father came home? But Jin Lei stopped for a bit.

"Wang Yitian, as a king one day?" He asked and his brow rose. That little kid blushed a bit and slightly smiled.

"Yes. My father named me like that. His name was Wang Yu, king's jade. So he thought that giving me this name I will one day become king." He lowered his head, having big weight upon himself.

"Pretty poetic. At least he had some common sense. Not naming one child thunder and the other to exceed." Chao chuckled and Yitian smiled back. Yup, none of them won the lottery for the best name. They all looked at each other, painful smiles of mutual understanding.

"I will let you play for now, but Chao, let's talk after dinner. And you Yitian, you can call me Lei ge," Jin Lei said and Yitian's mouth fell open. Adults could be this awesome and chill? Or was it just the Jin family?

"Wait, dinner? What time is it?" Chao was confused. Did they have so much fun, that it was dinner time? He was looking around the room searching for a phone that he did not know where he put it. After a while, he stopped, just went to Yitian and took his hand, and looked at his watches. It was already seven o'clock. They had so much fun with all the stages that they completely forgot the time. He squinted his eyes toward his brother who was still standing in the door, looking slightly amused.

"What are you doing at home so early?" Chao asked suspiciously. He heard only a chuckle, then Lei turned around and walked out, leaving the door open. Yitian's mouth was open, he looked shocked.

"Surprised too, right? It was such fun we lost half of the day already." Chao turned to him. "Let's continue. We have more that we can play. You are pretty good, maybe we can try something harder. Or some MMORPG." Chao tilted his head thinking. He heard about a pretty epic game popular overseas. They even made a league for it, he was interested in eSport, so maybe they could watch a game or two together. "Are you hungry? We can watch the championship of one game. If we like it we can try and learn it together. That or food." Yitian noticed how lively Chao was when talking about games. He had to say one thing now, he knew why. They were interesting, enchanting, and pretty addicting. Because Yitian did not feel hunger, he wanted to see this interesting game. But.

"What is MMORPG?!" he asked, this was something he never heard, never saw in any of his books. It felt weird not knowing something others his age knew.

"Oh, it's an abbreviation of massively multiplayer online role-playing game, it's full of people playing as mages, archers, gunners, and other roles. You know, games like World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy. It's so much fun, becoming the best of the best, leveling up, interacting with others." Chao chuckled when explaining, it looked like he hooked Yitian. He smirked, finally he will have a friend to play with.

"Let's watch the game," Yitian said and they both went to sit on the couch. Chao connected to the internet and found the game he read about.

"It's called Secret of Legends. This championship is a team tournament. Two teams of five players battling against each other. They have to use different tactics to win. Their HP will combine at the end and whose team has more HP when the time runs out, or who first kills all players from the other team. They have one substituted that goes in after a player dies." Chao explained.

"What's the time limit? Tactics?" Yitian asked curiously.

"I think it's half-hour. But that depends from game to game. Tactics are different too. Because the combat professions are different too. They have all different stats. I will explain more after we watch it. If you like the game we could try and play it," he answered and pressed play. Suddenly, cheers, commentator's voices, and so much action filled the quiet room. Explosions of magic, swift movements of the characters, nicely graphic forest, and loud shouting of teammates, telling each other what to do. Yitian was mesmerized. He could feel his blood boiling, feeling alive and he was soon cheering for the Chinese Lanbo team. The opposite team, Japanese, had so quick fingers, they were all synchronized. They knew each other's weaknesses and strengths and covered each other perfectly. Yitian soon found himself clenching his fists jumping off the couch and when team Lanbo won, he darted out and yelled loudly. Actually, both of them did. They cheered for them so hard, they launched at the same time, the moment they killed the last of the Kurayami team, and high fived each other. They became so excited, they hugged… Soon, the cheering mood swept away and they found themselves in an awkward silent hug. They let each other go and coughed awkwardly.

"So, I get that you liked it?" Chao asked with a smirk on his face. He knew the answer. Yitian was hooked. And Chao too. He did not know that game could look this appealing. It was decided, they would try to play it. He paused the video and smiled at Yitian. "You will play with me, right?" Yitian nodded. Chao stepped behind him and pushed him towards the door.

"Let's have dinner," Chao said and pushed Yitian all the way down.