
Chao was ashamed of himself and his team. They lost her in the middle of the fighting with the boss. They freaking lost her.

They were still getting healed and rebuffed, so he didn't care that much. It was nice to not care for a healer once in a while, but his pride received an unhealable wound.

"Give her whole loot… And tell her to make us a weapon that we will buy from her," Lei said and Chao turned to him, stunned.

'Was he crazy? These were some fine materials, rare. How could he give them all? To a complete stranger? And buy the weapon she makes?' Chao thought.

"Did you lose your mind, because she is a girl?" Chao exclaimed and got up from his seat. H

"Think a bit about her name…" Lei was calm, as always, but Chao was perplexed. He just shook his head and got up from the chair. He sent it to her already, because he believed in Lei's brain, but he still could talk back.