
"The jewelry artist will come today at 5 pm, so she'll be soon here," Lei said and threw two folders on the sofa where Chao and Yitian were sitting in their room... Chao picked them up both and passed one to Yitian.

It was their weekly progress. Not only theirs but the progress of the entire team. Their stats comparison, prestige increase, and material collection. Everything was in there, neatly written in charts.

"Why is your prestige so low?" Chao turned to Yitian. He was surprised because his prestige dropped by around twenty percent.

"Because I have been following Blacklily around, collecting materials," Yitian shrugged, but Chao could hear the snide tone of his voice.

'So he is still pissed,' Chao thought. He was sleeping in the guest room yesterday because Yitian really refused to open the door for him, and only threw some things at him through the narrow gap.