
Chao sat at the sofa with heavy exhaling. He ran his hand through his hair and sighed again. Somehow, he was so tired today, more than the whole last week.

Yitian closed the door behind him and locked them just to be sure that nobody would come inside, and then he turned on the light on the balcony deck.

He opened the French windows and stepped outside, taking a deep breath of the fresher air and then turned around to look at Chao.

But he was already behind him, ready to hug him. And Yitian let Chao do it. He wasn't mad anymore. To be honest, he was tired of being mad. He just wanted Chao to come to his senses.

"I'm sorry. I was jealous," he said and hugged Yitian from behind. Yitian put his hand on Chao's and smiled. That was him, that was his Chao. 

"It's okay." Yitian turned around and smiled, then added, "I was jealous too at one moment. But I had more control." He stroked Chao's hair and let his hand fall down to Chao's cheek.