
Yitian woke up with an uneasy feeling. He had the wrong feeling that someone was watching him. He slowly opened his eyes and almost had a heart attack.

"You idiot!" he shouted. Chao was looking from very near on his face. He was the one feeding that uneasy feeling.

"What? I just notice how beautiful you are," he said and stroked Yitian's cheek.

"Sure, will all the scars, right… Still, you know how weird it is to find someone staring at you right when you wake up?" He sat up, rubbing his face. Chao sat up with him, still smiling like an idiot.

"Nope. You never did that," he said and took Yitian's chin into his hand.

"Now you know why I never did it." Yitian slipped out of Chao's hold and sighed. He really hated to wake up like that. Normally he was the one to wake up first, so this never happened before.