
"How could you let him play in the match in such a condition?! Did you lose your mind?!" Someone was yelling. It made Yitian open his eyes, or at least try to open them, but his eyelids were too heavy.

"He did it alone, we tried to stop him…" This was Dylan's voice. And Yitian's fever clouded brain finally remembered that the first yelling person was Lei.

"You should have stopped him! What if something happened?!" Lei yelled again. Yitian tried speaking, but only a low moan formed in his throat. But it alarmed all the people in his room.

Now, he could feel Chao's hand holding his, and Yitian finally managed to open his eyes. He wasn't in his room. He was in the hospital room.

"He is awake… You woke him up…" Chao whispered, trying to ease the load on Yitian's ears.

"Th… Matc…" Yitian asked and turned his head to face Chao. He looked sad. That must have meant they lost. Tears formed in Yitian's eyes and he tried hard to hold them back.