
"Hello?" she said on the phone, waking up Yitian from his loss of focus. He raised the phone to his ear, despite Chao's condemnatory gaze.

"Yes? Yitian here…" he almost whispered, still stunned about what he heard on the phone. He was so scared about what this was about. As if he still was the little one that got beaten up for the first time.

But Chao stood in front of him, and even though he was against Yitian being in touch with her, he took his other hand and squeezed it comfortingly. 

"Oh, son, I haven't heard about you for a long time... " the woman said and Yitian frowned. His confusion showing on his face, so much that everybody became silent and stared at him.

"Yes, well, I'm here…" Yitian still had no idea what to say. He was too stunned at her behavior. Chao was reaching out for the phone, but Yitian shook his head.