
"Father had invited us for dinner," Chao said and nuzzled against Yitian's neck. They were laying in bed and relaxing after lunch.

"Oh, you taking Lili with you?" Yitian asked, putting his phone down, and kissing Chao's forehead. He was clinging to him more and more lately. As if he was startled by his mother's call. What he probably was.

"Mmm, Lei wants to show of his girlfriend…" he mumbled and raise his head to look on Yitian's face. Chao knew where the problem was for him. He wanted to show him off too. He wanted to say, look, this man is my boyfriend. He is the one I love.

But he was too afraid. He was too afraid of the reaction of the public. They were known now, They had many followers on social media sites. And Chao was afraid that Yitian wouldn't be able to take it. He was still too fragile to handle outburst like that. The amount of hate they would get would be enormous.