Disappointment into excitement

Do you know the feeling when you hit the utmost bottom? When you feel like the only choice you have is to kill yourself? But this was certainly not that time, but Chao felt really disappointed.

But not disappointed because of his team, but himself. He was always proud that he could take every point into consideration when thinking up the strategy, but he failed.

Now, he failed during a crucial time and did not know what else to say than sorry. But those words were so hard to say if you are not used to saying them.

"Who thinks it's his fault that we lost?" Lei asked, and everyone, even Lili, raised a hand, except Chao and Lei. Lei had no involvement in yesterday's game, so he was right.

And Chao was too busy being disappointed in himself in his mind. So he wasn't even listening to what his brother was saying. But Yitian nudged into him and woke him up from his trance.