Nightmare again

"Chao Chao, what's the rule number one?" Huang Wei asked her son. She was sitting with him at the couch, waiting for his father, her husband, to come home from the company.

"To never talk to, take something, or go with strangers!" Chao said and rolled his eyes, annoyed. He was eight already, not five. He could follow simple rules.

"You ruffian!" his mother exclaimed and ruffled his hair. She was laughing happily, her voice as clean as chimes. But Chao didn't care, he was only waiting for father to go to the football field with him.

They were having fun alone, as usual, because his father wasn't here. Others called his workaholic. Chao didn't know what it meant but his father was always at work. But he brought home to Chao cool games. So, Chao was okay with it.

"Wei Wei, where are you?" His mother called his father like this, she even used an annoying nickname for Chao, as if he was a baby.