
"That's so epic!" Yixing exclaimed the moment he heard it. The rest of the team turned their head or put down the headsets just to find out what was so cool.

"The instance is here!" Shanshan yelled, just before Yitian managed to say something. They formed two parties and put on headsets so that they could hear everything and communicate through the voice chat.

There was a newbie with them. He was being tried out by Chao before he would be invited to join their team. If he agreed, it would mean more designing work for Yitian, because the room that was only one left unoccupied was totally empty. 

One reason was that it was on the main first floor, away from the others, and the second reason was that it was under the room of Yinli and Wuchen. The noisiest people in the team, except Yixing.