Role model

"Let's do it like this. We will both play a game in the guild arena against you, only if you get through Wei. And if we like your style, we could even offer you a contract and invitation to the official Zhu long team," Yitian said, and everyone went silent, except Chao, who was nodding in agreement.

"Me?" Wei looked terrified, and the other fours curiously looked at him. Chao whipped out the contract from the back that Jiaer was carrying and waved it in front of Wei Meishi.

"Remember. You were ready to sign the contract and join the team. Of course, you would be our first defense," Chao smirked and laughed a bit evilly. He put even more pressure on Wei by calling him the first defense.

"I-..." he lowered his head, took a deep breath, and raised it again. "I get it, I will do my best," he continued and logged into the game. 

"You are joining Zhu Long?" Xui Yuzi exclaimed and stood up from his chair, shocked.