
The plane to Shanghai took not even three hours, and Chao was capable of falling asleep. In the afternoon that he wouldn't normally sleep.

But now, he placed his head on Yitian's shoulder, mumbled something, and comfortably dreamed about something with chocolate and cream.

And heck, Yitian didn't want to know. Because if it was only about food and not the wet dream he once had, he would be pissed. 

The air hostess that was going around in the plane kept smiling at every member of the team, but she especially cared for Huobai and Dylan.

When she moved closer to their row, where Dylan was with them, Yitian tensed up. He tried to shift his attention to Chao, who started drooling on his shoulder.

"Ew, do you need a tissue?" Dylan asked when he saw that. He looked a bit disgusted by it, but Yitian didn't care.