
"Well, let's put on a social mask now. Like we always did…" Huobai said, and on his face appeared a friendly smile. Chao quickly followed him and even though he felt some disgust toward Wen Lin, the guy behind him, vice-captain, Ye Zhu was okay. Or at least they had no conflict between them.

"Hello," they got up and greeted the two people with pretended courtesy. 

It was fortunate that Huobai and Chao both knew how to dissemble themselves from the parties they attended as young children.

"We will be going live in a minute," someone from the sideline shouted and everyone straightened up but appeared cozy and comfortable.

"Five, four, three, two, one!" he counted on his fingers and after he put down the fist, it all started. The whole circus of pretending.

"Hello everyone, I'm your lovely Lin Lin and I have special guests today," the moderator started and turned a bit towards Lan Bo to show she is going to introduce them first.