Wei Luhan

"Are you ready, guys? You need to appear friendly and smart," Yitian said, looked at Yixing, and resorted to his last option.

"You can charm his mother with your face, but we need him here. Work your ass off, so she doesn't think we are idiots," Yitian aimed the begging at Yixing, but the end was for everyone. 

Luhan's mom was coming to see where he would live and what the facility was, before deciding to let him do it or not. Yitian got why she would do that. 

Lately, there was a lot of news about abductions, scams, and killings. She was probably afraid that something would happen to her precious child. Even if it meant raised stress levels for Chao and Yitian, who tried to manage the pack of wildings today. 

The entire team was just too excited to have a new additional friend that they were like a bag of fleas.