Sheng Aijie 2/2

"Call me Xisheng, my name is really embarrassing," he said and lowered his head, unable to look into Yitian's examining eyes. 

"We will gladly call you that, but we need your name for legal reasons, so you would end up telling us, anyway." Yitian was fascinated about which name would be so embarrassing that someone would prefer the game nickname over it. But when he remembered Dylan's white flower, Yitian got it.

"Ehm, my name is Sheng Aijie," he mumbled and lowered his head even more. His eyes gained such a fiery red color that Yitian was afraid he would be caught in flame at any moment. 

But it took him a great effort to hold back his laughter. Enormous effort. He knew that it was probably written with a different symbol but name your child like this; you were either too much in love or torturing him till the end of his days.