
"That… boy… You are still friends with him? Did you start playing games with him? Did you ruin your future because of a worthless guy?" The pitch and the volume of her voice rose higher and higher. Yitian got up and knew it was fruitless. This whole wishful thinking that she could change.

"I will go. It looks like you can't accept me for doing what I wish. Don't ever call me again," Yitian said and walked to the front entrance. He saw her there, standing stunned as he passed her by. When he went behind the corner, he couldn't help himself, and answered the last question she threw at him.

"And no, Chao is not my friend. He is the man I love. So, you will never have a daughter-in-law," he said while bent over.

As he was putting on his shoes, he heard something similar to a war cry.

"I won't let you leave like this!" she shouted, as she slammed the back of his head with something heavy.