
"I need to know. How much do you remember from that time? So I can tell you the rest. I know it is painful, but you need to know the whole truth," Chao's father started and took some meat in front of him and chewed slowly, waiting for Chao to start talking.

Chao swallowed and drank a bit of water. It would be that painful for him, not anymore. He already went through so much shit that talking about the past that was already put behind him would be such a hardcore.

"Not much, just a black van chasing us, and mom being pretty scared. Then I know we crashed, Jiaer dragged me away before… before the car blew up in flames. I woke up in a hospital. My best friend told me that my mother died and it was my fault and I killed her. That's probably it." Yitian winced when he heard summarization like that. It sounded terrible. Chao's father sighed and put down his chopstick and drank wine.