He walked into the sanctuary briskly, ignoring the blank masks of the cleavers. Even dodging past other mages on his way to the medical wing. He caught many weird looks from the people he raced past, some caught his eye, others didn't. Only the peculiar caught his eye, the woman with pink hair, and the man who had a golden eye.
Everyone who had survived the mass killing at Erskine's house was currently booked in for both a psychical and a mental check up. He had only just gotten off the phone with China when he had burst through the door. Each of them laid out on beds, only Skulduggery remained unconscious, Faith and Lucian were talking amongst themselves whilst Mendacious was staring down at her hands.
"Mendacious!" Vex called out as he ran over and embraced her in the tightest hug he had given in a long time. She looked up just in time to get smothered into his chest.
"Sorry...sorry. How you holding up?"
"I'm okay...I think. I'm not sure how I feel..."
"I'm not surprised, you've been through a lot in the last twenty four hours."
"Hey Dexter"
Dexter smiled at Faith and Lucian, who had paused their conversation and now gazed over.
"How you both doing?"
"As you'd expect after what happened."
He nodded along. "So you're both a couple now?"
Faiths face brightened to a deep shade of red whilst Lucian just grinned a look that said of course you know.
"So, who told you?"
"Saracen of course"
"And how the hell did he know?"
"He said, and I quote, I know things"
Lucian shoke his head. "That man does my head in sometimes..."
Vex grinned before turning back to Mendacious. "Did you get hurt at all?"
"No... But...I attacked Vixen. I was so convinced that she was the killer that I didn't give it a second thought. I almost reduced her face to cinders." Tears began rolling down her face.
"Hey" He said, wiping away the tears. "You did what you thought was right. Everybody has done it at some stage. So don't worry about it"
"But I will worry about it! She's dead! She could have fought Delilah off if I hadn't beaten her!"
"Delilah would have found another way to kill her. You can't blame yourself, that's survivors guilt. You need to realise you're alive and be thankful for it. I praise whoever it is up there that you are. But never forget who lost their lives. That's what keeps you human. That's what keeps you in the light."
"I'll never...I'll never forget."
He kissed her forehead lightly. "I know. You're the strongest women I know." He heard Faith cough. "And I stand by that statement. You have made me so proud, so focus on getting better. So then you and I can do some missions together. How does that sound?"
"Yeah...that sounds nice. Thanks dad"
"Don't worry about it." He stroked her cheek and gave her a warming smile before looking over at Skulduggery. Something told him that this wasn't over.
He watched Dexter Vex barge past people, undoubtfully making a beeline for the medical bay. He however, was heading somewhere else. He walked promptly but with no rush, allowing his cloak to effortlessly flap behind him. His crisp white hair almost reflected the sanctuary lights as he walked. No cleavers gave him any attention. There was no need, he wasn't an old or a new face. One that blended in. Only caught by the most trained eyes. And none of the were around.
He walked into the room, the spare few minutes he had with her wouldn't last. This would have to be quick, but endearing. He couldn't lose her.
"Hello my dear Delilah"
She turned with a grunt and a cry, half of her face was wrapped with gauze and bandages. He had heard the damages. A broken knee, and a charred face. Would have brought a year to his eye, if he truly cared about her that is.
"Who...who are yo- Wait...Doctor?"
He pulled up a stool and sat beside her, rubbing the back of her hand. "Yes, it is I. How are you?"
"I failed... I failed the mission and I failed you"
"Don't fret, you did admirable work. But I'm afraid you are in no position to finish the job. However I know just the thing to do."
"What's going to happen to me?"
"You're going to be locked up in a cell." She whimpered at the sound of cell but he continued on nonetheless. "In there you will recover until I recollect you. I want you to think of what went wrong, and how you could improve and how to further aid our cause"
She went to nod but grimaced in pain, swear rolled down her neck and he fought the urge to gag. He was used to the nastiest gash and wounds on the operating table. He himself had even stitched a man's torso back on, granted it was someone else's torso and the end result had killed the man. But this helped his research so no harm no foul.
"Of course. For how long do I have to be locked up here with all these treacherous fiends?"
"A time has not been allocated, but it will be sooner than you expect. I need to align the next few stages. Bring everything together and make sure everything will go ahead with no flaws. Do you understand?"
"I do, if I may ask, what is the next plan?"
He considered keeping her in the dark, but what the hell. She wouldn't remember it anyway.
"I need to lure the big names and the best fighters in. If I disable them then I can move around with more ease. Make sure that we can prosper effeciently. So, I neutralise the dead men. Taking them out of action will open the door for us."
He detected a glint of a smile, however painful it looked.
"Of course... How will they die?"
"Painfully...I will ensure they die screaming whoever's name they regret most"
"Thank you...please...doctor...may I have your name?"
"Of course Delilah. My name is Doctor Sidom, I'm here to usher in the age of righteousness. Make sure those who are not worthy are removed from the seats of power that they have become so comfortable on"
"Thank you Doctor Sidom."
"No worries Delilah, now look at me"
She looked over, he was only able to see one eye but she looked focused. And that was all he needed. He poked just beneath his golden eye, and her gaze became hazy.
"You will forget everything I have told you, even my appearance. You will forget your goals and ideals. You killed all of those people because you are insane. A severely mentally ill person who committed atrocities. You will atone for them but never relent from the push that anyone who disagrees with you is wrong. And they must die. You are insane and anyone who stands against you must die. That's all you embody now. Until I tell you otherwise, by conversing the word Unravel to you this work will be undone. Do you understand?"
"I understand sir"
"Then I thank you for your time, I bid you farewell, until next time."
He got up and pushed his stool away, walking out just as brisk as when he had walked in. As he rounded the corner he began to hear her screams,she cursed everyone she had encountered upon being incarcerated here. He smiled and walked out the front door, nodding to the cleavers as he went. Descending the stairs and staring out at the brilliant sunshine. He knew what needed to be done. He had his tolls ready for his implementation. All he needed was the trigger. No matter how long it took to arrive. He would be there, capitalising. The dead men would fall. He would rise above. The age of righteousness would usher in the dawn of a new day. And he would be the leader of the worthy. And what a day that would be.
The end.
For now.