The pagans love

Since I met thee

I started daring to love,

I started daring to laugh.

Thou opened my eyes to beauty,

To the poetry of life,

Thou hadst taught me to play the strings,

In a rythm of love unheard.

Near thee I feel younger,

Like a child amazed

To see the wonders of this world,

Which permeates around me.

A young pagan roving with pleasures,

With a jar of the juice of life.

I have always wondered,

What it would be like,

Once mine ran out.

But thee taught me,

To enjoy every drop of life,

While it lasts.

Is it immoral?

Like the priests say,

Is it immoral,

To love life?

Should we not enjoy it,

While we have it?

They say life is only a pathway,

For a greater beginning,

And that we should never be attached to it.

Is that all?

Is that the only thing that life is?

Is enjoying life and finding joy immoral?

If it is,

Then let me be damned for all eternity,

For I rather go to hell as an emperor,

Than to heaven as a slave.


The Dead Revolutionary