To thy religion

I dare,

Yes I dare,

I dare to ask it all.

If my fate is the stake,

I shall embrace it warm.

With a hint of joy in this face,

As thee slowly burns me cold.

I dare,

I dare question it all.

For god's sake,

I shall live a life I am meant to live.

For god's sake,

I shall love my life like I am meant to love.

I know that I know,

I know that I am me,

And I know, I shall not deny me.

I am not weak,

For I am strong.

Man is not weak,

For he is strong.

Stronger than an ordinary lion,

Faster than the fastest creature,

Flying higher than the highest beast.

Man is not stupid,

For he is comparable to thy gods.

Man is not man,

He is a god,in his own part.

Leave a observant man alone,

For he is the god of his own world.

In a world full of gods,

Thee expects me to feel useless.

Where when I should stand tall,

Thee expects me to oblige.

Keep thy religion to thyself,

Keep thy salvation to thyself.

For I shall live as a god,

Than live as a slave.

Be condemned as a god,

Than be forgiven as a slave.

Let death touch me like a wicked man,

So what if I die that way?

Let death touch me an evil man,

So what I lived that way?

I shall love me more than thy God,

I shall love me life more than thee calls to love thy God.

I shall not condemn me like thee tells me to,

I shall live! I shall speak! I shall love!

I shall breath! I shall say I love the world with gladness in my voice!

I shall say that this is a beautiful world!

So what thy teachings are questioned?

Why not me love me?

Why does thee condemn me?

Why does thee tell me to condemn me?

No! I shall not,

I shall not.

Thy teachings are fruitless,

For thee tells the stars roam around us.

For thee tells tis planet is flat.

For thee tells, I am nothing more than a traveller,

Travelling to another realm,

And that I have no business in this world,

That I should not love this realm,

Then tell me, why did i drop here instead?

But let me tell thee,

That thee is wrong not only in thy science,

But also in thy thought,

For haven't we been proven,

Than a journey is better than its destination.

Haven't we seen how travelers,

Love the road more than their destination?

Then why does thee tell me I should not love this realm?

Thee should be the one on the stake,

And not me,

For thee causes more pain in the world,

Than me. For thee is the cause of pain,

And not me.


The Dead Revolutionary