A few kind words

How I wish I was never born,

And not to face these moments alone.

No matter who may say they'd stay,

All seem to carry on.

And leave you here,

All standing still,

The sack on your back,

Carries all the troubles,

That you wished you lacked.

But oh how cruel this fate can be,

To lack you of the bare necessity,

To sack all the life off you,

Just so it can laugh at you.

And as you glance back

Into that unforgiven past,

You only wished,

That you could have had that possible past.

What would it have taken?

A single hug would have done it,

And a simple pat on the back,

To tell you how he was glad of you,

To tell you that all your fears were ghast,

That he was proud,

And you were his lad.

To tell you how he loved you,

And that all he could do was just see,

As your faith rolled out on you.

Tell you to stop the whining,

Tell you to stand on your feet,

Cause the troubles I see,

Were never here to be.

That your mother though wasn't there

Would have been glad to where you stood,

All you wanted was a pat in the back,

And a few kind words,

through the lips of that man.

But alas, you never did hear,

How it was to be his dear,

Instead you were said,

To be replaceable.

And be not who you wanted,

You were not special,

But a broken hearted.

A pain to the world,

A pain, to the world.

That's the only thing you were,

And the only thing you will ever be.

And so you must not exist,

But here you are I see.

Maybe, that's the reason,

You slowly faded.

As the centre stage,

Was too exposing.

For you no longer were there,



The Dead Revolutionary