Alice woke up and looked up and saw Ian's face and said" good morning ian let's get dressed and go downstairs my love ." Ian smiles and grabs his clothes and throws, Alice her's as well and said" okay sweet cheeks" as she gets dressed she put her boots on and walked downstairs while Ian followed behind her . everyone was staring at them, and it was utter silence, and then Yuki said " welp I hope you two got that out of your systems because we all heard you last night and Syaoran has a job for you two since your both BAV's."
alice nods and so does Ian and Syaoran said,"I heard a rumor that ren is having a bav rally and is going to have a meeting for the war to come against us so I want you and Alice to go undercover and find out the details ." Alice looked at Ian and then at Yuki and said, " is it smart to deceive them when I am with you guys ?" Yuki smiles and said " it's the best reason to do this so we can make our plans " Alice nods and grabs a cloak and so does Ian, Yuki laid a hand on Ian and said " try to keep your desires under control while undercover okay " Ian rolled his eyes and said " yeah I know "
alice walked out, and Ian put his hood on and said " so where do we meet ren to start this ?" Alice turned and said "that is simple, blood shots in the far right corner of the bar " Ian smiled and said "you are smart as always alie " as they ran at vampire speed they arrived at the bar. they walked in with their cloaks covering their faces and sits in the far right corner as they sit there the doors open, and Alice smiled saying" right on Que " as the hooded man brought three drinks up to them and he said, " Alice rose, and her bav lover am I right ?"
alice removed her hood and so did Ian and Alice said " so ren you got my message I wasn't sure if you would get it on such short notice ." ren smiled and said " oh I was hoping you would write me, so I waited " Ian looked at him and said" you're wondering about her choice aren't you ren ?" , ren looked at Ian and smirked and said " that is one thing that has crossed my mind " Alice looked at ren and said " well before I fully join I would like to see what the bav side has to offer me over the other side."
ren nods and walks over to and said " that's only natural to want to know before choosing what side to pick. " ren picked up Alice's hand and kissed it and said " follow me my queen to meet your people" Alice smiled and put her hood back on as ian followed them as well and ren said " so I take it you go where she goes right Mr prince bav ?"
ian looked at ren and then at Alice and said " yes that is right " as they walked out of the bar there was a limo, and ren said, " well if you want to join were having a battle meeting about how to the destroy vamps and wolves right now ?" Alice looked at Ian and nodded her head and said " okay we will go ren but this does not mean we are joining you for we have to see what you're offering us over the vamps and wolves okay ren ?" ren smiled and said " of course lady Alice. "
as Ian and Alice sit in the limo as ren is sipping a wine glass of blood, he looked at Alice and said, " my lady Alice if I may ask ?" Alice looked up as ren hands her and ian a glass of human blood and ren said " what happened to sir.scar the one who was the reason you found your soul?" looked into the glass deeply and said " he could not be around human blood and I could not do animal blood."
ren nods his head and said " makes sense that you two broke up" as the limo stopped ren said " were here my lady Alice , my lord ian." then ren said " oh by the way you will get stared at for you two are the only b.a.v's with souls" as we walked out and sat down ian whispered in Alice's ear and said "alie do you think we are doing the right thing here ?" Alice nods her head and said in a whisper " they must pay for what they have done to the ones I care including scar and myself and you"