Chapter 9: the war

As everyone nods at Alice's plan iris said, "Alice if my brother is acting alone and tries to kill me kill him first deal!" Alice nods and said, "that's a plain iris no one will kill you!" As ren shows up with over two thousand bav iris first said "ren stop this and come with us! Ren laughs at iris and said, "sorry sis but this can't be helped you and Alice caused this!" Alice looked at ren and said, "me why me?!" Then one of ren's men said, "our master wants you lady Alice!"

Alice looked at ren and said, "tell me your master named you will be spared." Ren laughed at them and said, "sorry lady Alice don't worry you will soon meet our lord he can't wait to meet you again." Alice looked confused at ren and then said "again? what you mean again?" Ren laughed at her confused state and said, "enough small talk let the best side win!" iris grabbed syaraon's hand and said, "go Alice get him!" Alice ran straight for ren pulling her whip out and letting it slam on the ground hitting some bav's who came after her as they flew at her Alice said, "COME GET ME REN!"

As the whip made a crackling sound to ground Ian ran up on Alice's back and stabbed a bav as he yelled "YOU WILL NEVER BEAT US WE WILL KILL YOU !" as iris looked around strea made a bubble spear around iris and syaraon and then yuki yelled " WOLVES AIM FOR THEIR HEADS LET'S SHOW THEM NO MERCY !" as scar was cutting each of the bav's ren yelled " why Alice why kill you own kind!" Alice smirked as blood splashed across her face as her spear cut off another bav head and then she said, "because Ian is my kind not these soulless forced beings!"

Ren ran to Alice and Alice jumped off Ian and iris yelled" ren stop you're going to be killed!" ren laughed and Alice stabbed a bav and then one of the inner circles members nods at ren and said "ren we lost half our men we need to regroup or end it!" Alice looked at iris and said, "you sure iris no take backs?" iris popped the bubble and ran up to Alice as she killed some of the bav's herself getting blood splattering her and syaoran flanking with strea and said,

"cover them" and then as iris got to Alice back iris said, "you want blood and to save our family right Alice ?!" Alice smirked and said, "hell yeah it's killed or be killed girl lets end this what you say?" iris laughed and said, "I say let's put your training to work and end this!" Alice nods at iris and Alice grabbed her spear and iris flipped Alice in the air as Alice goes to give the final blow Alice as she throws her spear at ren. as it goes full power Alice wraps her whip around him as the spear get near him it is stopped by an unknown being that said, "nice throw Alice!"