Chapter 4:yuko vs saki a fight for a life

"give me your best shot, sea-girl!" Yuko said

"Oh, yeah come at me lover-boy," Saki said

Saki smirk and ran towards Yuko starting at a dash balling her hand into a fist. Yuko smirks back at her and doges her first attack going into a upper cut and hitting her chin. Saki then jumps back and looked him up and down looking at his stance, then saki dashed up to him punching his stomach with each hit that connected Yuko squinted in pain.

Then Yuko punched saki in the face with a couple of jabs to Saki's side, got pissed and said "ow that hurt Yuko go easy !" Yuko upper cut Saki whispered "I can't go easy on you if you want raven to believe you beast me so come at me with your all!" Saki nods and then puts her hand over the water and said " okay watch this !"

As the water came up to Saki's hand the water turn into swords and she smirked and threw the water swords at Yuko hitting every part of his body as he fell down she said "now for the plain me and. Your friend Ren will take you to Raven and thats when we will free Alice with the help of the guard there!" Yuko shook his head and said " I've think we can think of a better offer ."

Saki looked at Yuko and said " what you afraid of the cage or is it you want nothing to do with Raven ?" Then a voice said " its not that he wants nothing to do with Raven but we want to destroy her and king Zen my dear Saki" Saki's eyes widen as she heard a familiar voice and started to cry as tears ran down her face she looked over and saw Ren and said "Ren we must save Alice she's not safe down there that prison is hell its self!"

Ren walked up to Saki and held her "my sweet Saki I'm here my love" Saki eyes filled with tears and looked up to Ren pulling him into a kiss as they kiss Ren and then as they come up for air Ren said "come Saki let's go make a plan to destroy Raven and save Alice!"