Chapter 6:pain control

"No! Now its time to see how much pain she can take so that i can make her into what no other B.A.V could withstand." Said Raven as Mia lifted Alice's legs the walked down the corridor of the prison down each all was a cage and inside were many different people From mundanes to nymphs, to sirens, to mermaids, even soulless B.A.V's.

All of them screaming for someone to save them, then Raven walked to the hanging cage where the chains dangled from the ceiling, Mia and Raven set the passed-out Alice on the floor and then Raven lowers the chains. Raven unlocked the shackles she hooked Alice up to each shackle for both her hands and feet.

As Raven locked the shackles up and raised Alice in the air Alice finally wakes up and looks around to see only Mia and the whip on the ground and Alice spoke "Where am i Mia?" As Mia looked down "I wouldn't look down Alice,your in the hanging cell."

Alice looked down and then screamed as she hears foot steps coming closer as the sound metal and a pole banging against the cells and screams combing from down the hall. Then Raven appeared and said " my dear Alice lets see how much pain you can handle before passing out."

Alice spit at Raven as the spit hit her face Alice said "give me all you got bitch Yuko will come for me !"

Raven smirks and tugs on the chains and said " sweetheart I'm betting on that but by then you will be able to kill him."

Alice eyes filled with anger and she tried to get loose from the shackles but instead got electrical shocks through her body as she yelled "NEVER YOU BITCH I WILL NOT KILL YUKO!"

Raven lowered Alice to where her toes barely touched the ground and hit her with the whip striking Alice with hit as the sound of the leather hit Alice shirt raven shook her head and said " those clothes are protecting you let get them off!" Raven then ripped off Alice's tank and shorts leaving Alice in only her undergarments.

Alice looked down not able to cover herself she said " is this necessary?" Alice rolled her eyes and tightening her fist and then Raven said " yes so that I know how much pain you can take dear B.A.V, its the only way i know if your ready or just another failure." Alice closed her eyes and taking a breath she said " do your worst I've been through hell what can be worse!"

Raven smirked and swing the whip against Alice's bare skin as the whip hit her skin it make a crackling sound as well as it sent out electrical shocks throughout her body as Alice screamed, Raven whacked Alice over and over hitting each hit harder and shocks getting stronger and then Alice laughed " is this all you got just a little shock how about putting it on full blast or your scared Raven?!"

Raven got pissed you cloud tell this by her eyes getting lowered and the way she was grinding her teeth and then she spit and spoke "tsk I'm not scared of anything or anyone you want more pain I'll put you through more hell"

Alice smirks as she was shaking off the pain she could see she was getting a rise of emotion out of Raven and she was enjoying it, then raven looked to Mia who had been reading a book trying to tune out Alice's screams and the screams of the other prisoners and Raven said " Mia Mia go get both the flame and high voltage whips !"

Mia looked at Alice and said " be careful what you ask for Alice." As Mia left Raven raised Alice up and she said " I'd rest for tomorrow is the real test." Alice closed her eyes as she hanged where her feet hanged over a feet in the air and her hands were pull tight up in the air above her head. Then the sounds of screams made Alice twitch in the air .