Chapter 4. out of the hive and into the flying zone

"Who's on top of me?" I whispered as I woke up to something laying on me. When I realized what it was I tried to move out from under only for it to let out a slight hiss. As I was turning to my side I felt something come up my neck and then I threw up an odd sorta tan-colored snake looking thing, but I knew it was their larvae. "I was not expecting that to come out of my mouth," I said as the creature grabbed it and ran off.

Then I realized that Michael and Lily were gone. "Lily! Michael! Where are you," I shouted in the computer lab trying to get a response. But I didn't hear anything other than the squeaks of the door. So I headed out of the computer lab to try to find the largest room in the building, thinking that's where the queen would be along with them.

I looked through 6 rooms before seeing 2 of those creatures running towards me. One of them went back while the other stayed behind trying to get me to follow. But as I followed I noticed a syringe in a room with a smudged label. It looked like there might have been DNA of the creatures in it.

When I got to where they were they were excited to see me.

"Nathan!" They both said to me. Suddenly as I was talking to them I could feel something against my leg. It was one of their larvae, must have been the one I coughed up earlier.

"Come on, let's head out there to try to find a way back, I've had enough of this, ordeal," I said to them. We left without a problem, but they seemed to of been trying to keep me there.

Once we got near a town I saw a pond of water and started to take a drink.

"You sure that's a good idea? We have no idea what could be in that water," Michael said to me.

"Let's worry about getting a drink. at least it's not fluoridated," I replied.

Then we heard one of the creatures say: "Hey! there are some runners here!"

"OK, we're leaving!" I said as I grabbed the 2 of them and flew off from the town. I flew with them in my dragon arms until it got dark and we landed nearby an ominous looking cave. "Is this, infested flesh?" I said looking at it up close. Suddenly Lily got scared by something and ran into the cave. "Lily! you run into here!" I said in anger. As we walked in I noticed Lily passed out on a mat of infested and some creatures whose limbs, parts of the skin and in one case the entire body looked to be covered in it. That's when Michael passed out from what looked like spores. I then felt dizzy as I tried to grab Lily, but they just grabbed me and laid me on the mat as I passed out.

"Come to me," I heard something say to me.

I got up and came to where the leader was.

As I stood there almost completely unaware of what's going on I heard it say to me: "You're a bold trio to of come this far, but your journey stops here." That's when I felt the flesh growing on my skin but I was completely unphased by it.

After a few days, our captor came back and we headed back out with the Infested falling off our bodies.

"Well that was eventful," I told them.

"Let's not do that again Nathan. What's gotten into you all of a sudden?" She asked me.

"Well, I've never been here before. It's a new world to explore," I replied.

"You do seem to be liking this Nathan. The way you always acted when a dragon tried to grab you or someone else I thought you'd be depressed," he told me.

I hesitated before hastily saying: "I don't let it drag me down," as we got into her arms.

As we headed back I felt like I was home again in the dragon's arms. But as I was sleeping along the way I could hear a voice say: "you've had your fun now let's settle down. Once we landed we got settled again. Then she took off with Lily and Michael but I wasn't worried. I actually felt better in my dragon form despite what they thought and I knew they'd adust as much as I have.