Chapter 6. flight for a way home

Michael had since hatched and after he got his wings moving she started having them fly with her quite often. Oddly enough she had me stay with Archie whenever they left. She said that my flying skills seemed to of came naturally to me, but after a few days, they were getting better at it. Lily seemed to have problems when she carried anything though, and Michael glided most of the time.

One day I saw them come back with that same kid I met 12 or so days ago. "He coming with us, I think it's about time you all head home," She said to us. I turned to my dragon form and followed them to a grove in the forest. It didn't look like it had anything off about it. But as we all laid near each other that same creature appeared and it seemed to have an interest in me.

"Heading home? Your interests in this world may do wonders for you," I heard something say. As we each turn to our human forms I felt a chill in my spine.

"Anyone feeling a chill?" She asked. I nodded yes and as I did the it rushed into me. As I look around I realized it was gone. After that, we each felt tired and we fell asleep one after the other. When we woke up the dragon had its hands around us. That's when I realized we were back on Earth, I could see power lines nearby.

"We're home." I could hear Lily say.

"Yeah, but where on Earth exactly? I replied.

That when I heard my grandma shout: "Hal! Nathan's home!"

I tried to get out of her grip but before she loosened it she said to me: "this isn't the last time I'll see you, I'll come to visit." That's when she loosened her grip of us and as I ran to my grandma, she let go of the other 3 and then flew off.

"Nathan I'm so glad your home. Don't you ever run off again on me, you had me worried sick," She told me.

"I'm sorry Carol, but you know what after being with her for more than a month I actually like being a shifter," I replied. She looked at me in confusion before looking at the other 3 with me.

"Nathan, those are the others she grabbed right?" She said to me.

"2 of them are I need to get them home. And the 3rd one lives in St Louis," I replied.

"So why does he have some nonhuman characteristics?" She asked.

"His mother was probably impregnated while pregnant with him," I replied. As we walked in I noticed the families of 2 of the children that I was with.

"Mom! Dad!" I heard Lily and Michael say to their parents.

"Well let me change clothes and I'll be back in a few hours," I said to my grandma.

"Where are you going?" She asked me.

"The halfbreed invited me to his home," I replied.

"Just be careful Nathan," She replied.

After I changed clothes he changed to his dragon form and grabbed me as we flew to St Louis. Once we landed the building did look abandoned, but as I walked in I noticed that it looked furnished. As we went inside I heard a voice saying; "what do you think? Let me get you to my quarters." I felt a crystal in my ear and as I look at him he had a crystal in his ear as well. Once I got to his quarters I realized that it was getting dark. "Why don't you stay here for the night?" He asked me.

"Yeah sure, might as well," I replied. As I went to lay down I felt something against my forehead.

"Relax, you'll be fine" I heard something say to me with a buzzing to it.

As I fell asleep I felt something warm against my back. It also felt a bit soft, but it wasn't mammalian soft.

While the night went on I thought I could hear voices but one stood out. It sounded like the kid next to me and the name called to it stood out too: "Xavier, Xavier."

After that, I heard a voice call out my name, which woke me up. As I look around I noticed that the kid was cuddled up to me with another creature.

Then a voice came to me saying "just relax, for now, ease into it," It sounded female. I still felt tired so I fell asleep again this time without any problems.

When I woke up the next day I turned on my phone and when I listened to the voice mail it shocked me. "Nathan, something came to me in a dream. apparently from it, they're trying to lure you into something. But it didn't specify if it was good or bad." The voice mail said.

I look around and I see no sight of the kid, which I assumed was Xavier, nor the other creature. But something was still calling my name. Something about it felt off but I couldn't resist its call. I stepped out of Xavier's quarters. But as I got closer to where it was coming from, a slight headache set in and I started to be able to slightly resist its draw.

"I think we discovered your weak point. I'll leave this to you to learn" I heard a voice say. That's when I saw that same creature in front of me. Then I had an even harder time keeping control, the call felt reassuring that I was safe. When I could see the queen in my viewpoint, I saw Xavier next to her.

"Come to me, your safe in our hive," I heard a voice say. My mind must have been open to them. As I got up near Xavier I turned to my dragon form and laid down, and as I did Xavier laid near me, hugging my tail.

"You'd make a good companion to him, he's been through a lot" I heard that same voice say. I didn't think much of it then, I just was too much in the moment that it didn't strike me.

I eased deeper into it felt a connection to him. That's when I heard clicks in an odd pattern, but it came to me what it was soon thereafter, it was Morse Code. It said one-word, "go". I looked at Xavier and he nodded to his right. As he got up and walked out I followed. I felt like I was leaving home as we went. Once we got outside he nodded at me so I grabbed him and flew into Illinois.

Once we got home I felt like Xaviar was part of the family. As I turned human and went inside my grandparents were glad to see I was OK. "Nathan, I was worried sick while you were gone. That dream I had paranoid me" she said to me.

"Just be glad Xavier had a good family" I replied. As I look at Xavier he seemed a bit worried.

"My parents are usually the only humans that'll even play with me. the Xenomorphs always seem so accepting of others, Even from over hives just like Argentine Ants." I heard him say.

"That's where you're wrong, if you need a friend, I'll be there," I replied, hugging him.

"Thank you I'm heading back to my mom and dad, I haven't seen them in years. You're the only human friend I have so thank you for that" he said to me.

Before he took off I said to him: "No matter what makes you different, you're still human in the eyes of the lord."