chapter 12. a story to a possible prophecy

When I started to wake up I felt as if I ate an entire meal. "Xavier, you awake?" I asked him. I got no response out of him. As I turned to my human form I started to cough up spores and the Infested was falling off of my face.

"One of them's awake, should we do it now?" I heard something say.

I had no Infested over my eyes to see in the dark and I couldn't get up due to the Infested holding me down. All I could do was listen in to what they were saying.

"Let the other one wake up first," I heard another say.

"Nathan what am I hearing?" He asked me.

"I have no clue Xaviar do you?" I replied.

"Oh wait now I know who they are. Some see them as gods but their just 2 unusually powerful void spirits," he replied.

"Are you going to head up topside Nathan, or are you just going to stay down here?" One of them asked. We followed their voices to the outside of the cave and once we did the sun was a bit blinding.

"Those eyes, I can see kindness and curiosity in those eyes," one of them said as it got up in my face. "

I see someone who cares for him as much as the other way around," the other one said towards Xavier.

"Nathan careful around these 2. They may be kind but they like their puzzles and they're sometimes tricksters from what I've heard," Xavier said to me.

"Why don't we try a few things," one said to the other.

I turned to my dragon form ready to grab Xavier if I needed to. That is until my torso got encased in crystal.

"Nathan what just happened, where'd that crystal come from! No matter, whatever happens, I'm not leaving your side," he said to me.

"How touching, he doesn't leave his friend behind," one said to the other. "Nathan, what going on?" She said as she saw Xol and Dol on top of my back.

"You might want to head back in," I told them

"None of us are leaving your side, we're not letting you go," she replied.

After a few minutes, the crystal wrap got warm, probably due to the wrap trapping heat. That's when I felt something scratching behind my ear. "Oh you like that don't you," one of them said to me.

"Xavier this is getting awkward," I said to him.

"Give it some time, I've got no way to talk to her anyhow," Xavier replied. Suddenly crystal came over me and I blacked out.

When I woke up I was on my bed at home with Xavier on top of me. "Nathan where were you? You were gone all day yesterday," my grandma said to me.

"She dragged me off overnight, but on the bright side I figured out what those purple creatures are, and probably their leaders too because they're not afraid to show their faces," I replied.

"Their? As in multiple?" She asked. "Yup, 2 of them," I replied.

"Nathan, do you think we could head back after your done talking to her," I heard Xavier say to me.

"I'm starting to get tired of you disappearing on me time and time again. You need to tell me these, things," she said to me.

"I didn't give consent for her to take me back to her world honest," I replied.

That's when we heard a knock at the door. "That's probably the mail," I said to her.

"You sure about that, you sure it isn't the Plague Doctor at the door," she replied. I opened the door to find 2 packages at the doorstep.

"No, it's the mail. Though one of them is unusually shaped." I said to her. I then felt a crystal over my eyes. "Okay, at least the Void Spirit's back. I do smell a cherry martini on one of them and I see the cherry juice." I said to her. That must of meant I was smelling alcohol used for disinfectant and cherries.

"Ok, so which one's from him and which ones not, or is it both?" She asked.

"You grab the somewhat flat one I'll take the unusually shaped one," I replied.

"That doesn't answer my question," she replied.

As I opened the one I had I found a Symbiote in a jar. It sloshing in my direction. "Ok buddy, come here," I said to it.

"Why do you always have a soft spot for those things?" She asked as I opened the jar and stuck my hand in.

"You're the same one to aren't you. Yeah, you're glad to be with me again aren't you." I said to it as it worked its way inside me.

"Does he always talk like that to a Symbiote?" Xavier asked.

"No, no he does not," she replied.

"This feels like there's a blanket inside of this and a power cord of some sort," She said to me.

"Probably that heated wrap he used to calm me down," I replied. Once she cut the bag open I checked the warp for anything off, nothing on it. "Hmm, I guess he just didn't have a use for them anymore," I said to her.

"Well, I'm just going to head home. Tell me when she comes back," he said to me.

"Ok then see you the latest Monday night I suppose," I replied.

Once I got into my room I started to get a pain that wouldn't go down. "I think I'm going to have to sleep that one-off," I said to the Symbiote. I turned to my dragon form, wrapped the blanket around me with the void crystal, plugged It in, and turned it on before closing my eyes to try to sleep the pain off. As I slept I felt something get onto the bed and I felt like I knew who it was.

I slowly open my eyes to see her and her kids in front of me. "You ok Nathan?" She asked. I wasn't able to speak to her in my dragon form, but she could hear my thoughts.

"Yeah, some pain came along, just trying to rest it off," I replied. That's when I heard another knock at the door and who was there would make a change in my life, it's just unclear how.