Ch.4-do they?

Nayeon POV:

"Are you okay babe?" I asked him. He nodded but hugged me closer to him.

"awhhh, where's the full-of-himself Jeongyeon? I miss him." I tried to cheer him up. I thought I heard...sniffles?

"yah yoo Jeongyeon! are you crying?" I asked worriedly. He's never cried in front of me for all the 4 years we've known each other. From neighbors to friends and a couple, never once he cried. I was panicking but he raised his head and his eyes were puffy. 

"Awh my poor Jeongie. Do you want to tell me or let's just go get some tteokbokki?" I asked him.

"tteokbokki." He said cutely. "Okay, let's go."I smiled and said to the others. "We're going now, meet here after 2 hours and we'll have dinner together." And pulled him to the nearest tteokbokkki restaurant. 

We sat down and I cupped his cheeks. "babe, you know you can tell me everything right? I don't mean you have to tell me everything, I trust you. It's jut that I don't want to see you suffer alone. I'm always here if you want to talk okay?"

He nodded. "I-"

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me yet." I smiled and said. "Let's eat, it's here." 

Jeongyeon POV:

Sorry Naeyonie...I-i'm too afraid to lose you...I'll tell soon as I'm ready.

tzuyu POV:

"well? Can you explain what happened?"Mina asked.

I told her what I told jeongyeon on her car and received a punch from her.

"Ouch! What was that for?" I complained.

"That's for you telling Jeongyeon oppa what happened. How can you tell him everything in such a short time? You should've told him everything slowly you brat! What did I teach you!!!" She scolded.

"I thought father was the one who taught me everything?" I mumbled.

She glared at me so I quickly shut my mouth. I saw Sana and Momo squealing while pointing at a shop. They ran and lined up. 

"Come guys!!! This shop is really good! Especially the jokbal!" momo shouted.

"Cominggggg" Dahyun immediately ran to her. Well I don't want to say this but he looks like a dog running to his owner lolll (No offense) look how whipped dahyun is!!!

"don't you think Nayeon unnie should know know." mina whispered while we walked toward the girls.

"yeah but, won't she freak out? She's the daughter of a hunter no matter how good she is. We should be careful." I said.

"Yeah, let's jut enjoy these days, we'll be working hard." mina agreed.

"tzuyu! Here!Try this!!!" Sana came running to me, sticking a cotton candy to my face.

I took a bite and admired her beauty. She's gorgeous indeed, very cute. especially the look she gives me while I tasted the cotton candy. 

"It's unexpectedly good." I said truthfully. I never expected human food to be this good. "I know right? Come on, I'm taking you on a tour here. I'll show you the best foods here!!!" She said excitedly and dragged me away. 

"but they-" I was about to ask about the others.

"it's okay, Momo will take care of them." She assured and we stopped at a clothing shop. 

"Although I don't think you don't have any clothes, let's just shop:) My treat!" She said and shoved two shirts into my arms. "Try these on. I bet you'll look good." I looked down. It's a black vest and a black denim jacket.


"no buts, just try it on!!!" She said. I sighed and took it and headed to the changing room. 

I looked at myself in the mirror. Speechless. How can I be so handsome?lol

No one POV:

 Tzuyu stepped out and sana was sitting on a bench outside. Sana froze when she saw Tzuyu looking down at her. One word. Wow. "tzu-tzuyu?" She called."Hm?" Tzuyu answered. 

"OMGEEEEEE YOU'RE SO HANDSOME!!! You look so good in this! I don't care! I'm getting this for you and you'll wear this at least once a week!" Sana squealed and dragged Tzuyu to the cashier.

"This jacket and the vest inside please." "It's 580 dollars in total ma'am."

"Sana, it's expensive!" Tzuyu frowned and took out his wallet.

"nah it's fine, I'm quite rich." Sana winked and took out her black card.

"mi-miss Minatozaki! I'm sorry I didn't recognize you ma'am! " The cashier bowed and quickly paid for the clothes.

"Thank you." Sana smiled and took the card. She took tzuyu's arm and they went to the next shop.

"hehe, now I can tell people you're my boyfriend!" Sana joked.

"Well I don't mind being a real one..." tzuyu humbled and sana heard it. She blushed and pretended she didn't hear anything. 

"Well are you just gonna pretend you didn't hear anything?" tzuyu raised an eyebrow and looked at the girl who was blushing.

"I-" Sana was once loss of words. She had never seen someone so cheeky!!!

"Well?" Tzuyu smirked. He was having so much fun.

"le-let's go and find he others." Sana stammered and walked back to the lobby.Tzuyu couldn't help it and pulled Sana and landed a kiss on her cheek.Sana blushed even harder and pushed him away, running. Tzuyu chuckled and followed her. Cute...Minatozaki Sana...Tzuyu thought.

Sana and tzuyu stood by each other's side and waited for the others. Sana was blushing and it was awkward between the two.

"Tzuyu!!!" Mina ran up to Tzuyu as soon as she saw him. "I found something...It's about Sana." mina whispered into his ear. 

"me?" Sana asked, tilting her head.

"Uhhhhh...." mina instantly regretted why didn't she use telepathy.

"It's nothing Sana, The 'Sana' mina said is not you. It's one of our relatives, from Japan." tzuyu lied.

"oh, okay!" sana believed it as there are lots of Sanas in Japan, and blushed as their eyes met. then she continued poking on her phone.

"Thanks Tzu." Mina said. 

"no prob." 

"Guys let's go!" Naeyon shouted, waving from the upper floor. all 9 of them sat down in a hot pot restaurant. 

the others were fighting for the meat, and Sana and Tzuyu's side didn't even get any since they were far from the pot. Tzuyu managed to get a few pieces.

"here, eat more." tzuyu put half of the meat into Sana's bowl. "Thanks..." Sana muttered. she stole some glances at tzuyu. His skin is paler than normal people...he...wait. His teeth are so pointy! Like a vampire...wait what??? What are you thinking? vampires don't they?

Sana mentally slapped herself. What are you thinking sana? Why would tzuyu be a vampire? Not every male creature with pointy teeth and paler skin are vampires?!!!

tzuyu glanced at the girl. He saw the girl shaking her head. Out of curiosity, he read the latter's mind. tzuyu froze. Where did that thought come from? he had to be more careful from now.

He set the thought aside and took a bite of the pork. "mhmmmm!" Tzuyu widened his eyes. THIS IS SO GOOD!


wow wait. what we know from this chapter.

-sana guessed tzuyu is a vampire

-Tzuyu and sana both have little crushes on each other :))

-mina found out something about Sana

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Acc: shiba_7321