Ch.17-what about the picture?

Tzuyu POV:

"mr. Minatozaki." I greeted as I walked pass the living room.

"You! Stop!" he shouted. 

I stopped and turned around. "yes?"

"You-You-get away from my daughter!"

"Nope, sorry." I shrugged.


"I'm Tzuyu Mr.Minatozaki, not you. oh, I mean dad. I'm Sana's boyfriend." I said, smiling.

"you! I will never let you be with my daughter!"

"I'm not asking for permission dad, I'm informing you that Sana's my girlfriend. So, if you excuse me, I have things to do." I nodded at him and left the house.

"Stop!" He shouted but I ignored him. Mr.Minatozaki huh? I'll ask my dad what we've done.

"Noona I'm back, let's go guys." I said to the gang who had been waiting for me at the portal.

"How was it?" Chaeyoung asked.

"He knows I'm a vampire, I told Sana we're having war. And guess what? I heard Sana's dad say a vamp killed Sana's mum. I'll ask dad about that." I told them.

"What? Sana's mmum died when she's six...wait, isn't that near to-"mina asked.

"yeah, it's around that time." I answered.

"It's not a consequence..."

"let's ask our fathers, we'll know everything. And the weapon? I'm sure it's under Sana's house. There's a door in their basement, and it leads to the Hunter's headquarters." I said.

"What? We're winning the war then. With the weapon, we'll win for sure. But the problem is, what if none of us can carry the power of the weapon?" Dahyun asked.

"We'll be fine. I'm sure one of us can." Chaeyoung assured.

"We'll go get the weapon once the war starts." I said as Dahyun helped Momo to register. 

"Calling all generals, meeting at the general hall in 2 hours, at 9pm." I announced through the speaker which connects to the general's homes.

"yes sir!" all of them replied.

The meeting:

"We have suffered because of the hunters. it's time to take revenge. We'll start the war next Monday, which is in 3 days. jeongyeon, bring your army and attack from the seashore."

"yes sir!"

"Chaeyoung, bring only 100 best fighters of yours and attack through the front gate to the Minatozaki's underground door to the base with me. Mina just come with me." 

"Yes sir!"

"Dahyun, your job is to protect Vampile. I believe both army of yours are enough."

"Yes sir."

"Mr son, mr Yoo, and Mr Kim, please bring you armies and attack through the northern side, where the army of the hunters are."

"Sir, isn't three armies...too much?" Mr. Kim asked.

"Mr Kim, It's better to be prepared."

"I understand sir."

"Itzy. You guys will also come with me."

"yes sir!"

"(G) IDLE, you guys can rest as usual, it's just the hunters."

"Sir, we'd like to come with you." Soyeon said.

"Soyeon, you guys are our last weapon, with the 6 of you, you can destroy a kingdom in a week, just like guys are too strong, we don't need you guys for now."

"Sir, please.Even you will go, then why not us?" The others agreed.

"fine.Don't do anything without my command."

"Yes sir, thank you sir!" The girls looked at one another and smiled. Those girls...they really like missions huh.

"The war is on. We will receive help from the Hirai's, One of the hunters, don't worry, I have already persuaded the most important generals in the organization to leave. The Parks,and the Hirais will join us. Mr. Hirai will fight with us in the battle, and Mr.Im is an enemy, don't mix them up. Take your time with your family these 3 days, I hope I can still see every single one of us here."

"YES SIR!!!!!!!!"

-- - - - -- -- -  - - -- - - ---- - 

after the meeting, at the Chous.

Tzuyu POV:

"Father, aren't you going to tell us?" Dahyun asked. 

We're now sitting across our fathers, Mr.Kim, Mr. Yoo, Mr.Son, and my father.

"I think it's time..." 

"Let's tell them."

"Well, there was a huge issue between the vampires and some humans who know we exist. You guys were there too, and we thought it would be bad for you to have that kind of memory since it was really bloody and we didn't do anything. So we decided to use the last Memory-erasing machine on you guys. Since then, there are no more memory-erasing machines ever." Mr.Son said.

"Mr. Son. What did they think 'we' did." I asked firmly. They ain't going to hide anything from us now that we found out.

my father sighed. "I was the vampire they accused. Me, Mr.Yoo, Mr.Kim and Mr.Son were friends like you guys as the heir of Vampile. We were sent down there for a mission, and when we finished our mission and decided to go for a drink, wondering what it tastes like, and to regain our energy we lost in the mission, we saw a girl around our age being surrounded by 3 men. I wouldn't want you guys to know this, but they were raping the poor girl. She was already very weak, so it took us some of our powers to help her get out, since we're still quite young and our powers haven't fully developed.

But of course, we saved her and she was already very weak at that time. We've thought of bringing her to the hospital, but she stopped us. She said.'I'm dying soon, it's my body and I know what's happening. Thank you for saving me. I have nothing to repay you sir, so will you do me a favor and leave the marks of your fangs on my neck? So I could bring this on to my next life...' at last, we agreed and I was the one who left my marks on her neck. She was smiling till her very end. We were about to take her to the hospital to find her family, but then a gang of men approached us.I believe one of them was married to the girl. He saw the fang mark on the girl's neck and accused us for raping and drinking the girl's blood. We denied, and explained what happened, but they didn't believe us. That's why, the war broke out...And now, that man, should be the boss of the Hunters... Let me show you guys something."my father said.

"Your mother, Tzuyu, she has a Fang mark on her neck too, on the exact same spot where I left on the girl. I was fascinated and asked her about it, and she said she was born with it. As you know, your mother is 20 years younger than me. Don't be surprised, in Vampile, 20 years is equal to a month only. I believe, she has reborn and came to me. This, is given by the girl before she died." My dad told us and took out a penadent. There was a picture of a family...I could recognize the little girl in the picture, it's Sana...and the man next to her, must be Sana's dad...

"What??!Th-that's!" Dahyun shot up but Jeongyeon covered up his ,mouth and pressed him back down."Thank you." I said telepathically to Jeongyeon.

"Dahyun, what about the picture?" Mr. Kim asked. "jeongyeon, hands." Mr.Yoo ordered. Jeongyeon mouthed Sorry to me and loosened his hand.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ will Tzuyu's dad and the others react when they find out Tzuyu's dating the little girl in the picture, Sana?

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acc: shiba_7321